Tuesday, October 12, 2010

[article] 11.10.2010 photoshoot in macao

yesterday, very early in the morning, hwangbo twitted that she was going to macau for work. i blogged about the twit here. apparently my guess was correct as starnews reported that hwangbo was in macau to shoot for her album jacket. starnews added, hwangbo is expected to release the album early next month. the full report is here.

further, five hour ago, hwangbo replied to climix joo's twit regarding her work in macao.
climix_joo @estella816 마카오 왜 가?? 잘 다녀와~ GT: why macau? take care of yourself ~
estella816 @climix_joo 사진촬영. 밤새고왔더니 완전피곤햐 ㅠ GT: Photography. I come completely whole night was showing fatigue ㅠ

hwangbo must be very tired as she was filming 오밤아 (midnight idols) the whole sunday and yet to travel all the way to macao, the very next day to complete the photoshoot. hwangbo fighting!

source: starnews, twitter