사랑하는거랑 이별하는거랑 둘중 뭐가 더 아플것같나여? 몇일전부터 계속 궁금해가지구...
translation by lvk2010:
i have been curious for few days…which one hurts the most...being in love or ending the love...
translation by jaejoongie:
do you think loving or separating will hurt more? i've been curious since a few days ago.
translation by justin:
actually i felt love. beyond thinking many people said love. even though knowing pain, again want to love. thus, don't be afraid, lets love!!
translation by jaejoongie:
do you think loving or separating will hurt more? i've been curious since a few days ago.
사실 전 사랑이라고 느꼈거든요 의외로 사랑이라는분 많네여 아픈걸 알지만 또 하고싶은게 사랑일거예요 그래도 우리 겁먹지말고 사랑합시다 !!
translation by justin:
actually i felt love. beyond thinking many people said love. even though knowing pain, again want to love. thus, don't be afraid, lets love!!
translation by jaejoongie:
truthfully, i felt like it was love. unexpectedly, there were lots of people i've loved. i know love can hurt but, you always find yourself wanting to love. that's love. even so, lets not be afraid and love!!
truthfully, i felt like it was love. unexpectedly, there were lots of people i've loved. i know love can hurt but, you always find yourself wanting to love. that's love. even so, lets not be afraid and love!!
source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by lvk2010, justin, jaejoongie