google translation shewentto renew mylicenseyeopchanggue'internationaldriver's license'geuleulbosigoalicensein theU.S.(fiveyears agottateum) hulldoesmakeupdatesin town..
hwangbo deleted the photo not long after she twitted it. i think certain info might be too excessive thus i hide the address and the card ID. what caught my intention was, at the bottom part of the license, it stated that she is an organ donor?
filming photos of the show were posted here and here. and please click here if you cannot see the embedded video below. please have your meal first before the show or you will drool to what they were eating. yummy! and hwangbo was having her princess-like-nails-do in this show.
source: credit: 1qdisk_com at tudou
hwangbo seemed to enjoy the show and looks sunshine happy. i love the dress she was wearing. please click hereto watch the full show if you cannot see the embedded video.
the girls is having a singing competition or concert? i am not so sure if this is inspired by a reality program in korea called 'i am a singer'. hwangbo fighting!
credit: PDRocktc, 1loveHB, ronankwaks and muhangirls at twitter, 오주은 cyworld
i am not so sure of this show. i read it was a japanesse show, but i hardly heard japanesse in the videos. do share if you have more info. simsontang fighting! hwangbo fighting! shimty fighting!
clips of the filming. please click here and here if you can't see the embedded videos
source:, irenecwailan at twitter