엄마 뱃속에서 자라는 태아가 영양분을 제대로 섭취하지 못하면 태어난 뒤에 비만이 될 확률이 높아진다고한다 자궁이 있을 때 뱃속 환경의 영향을 받은 태아가 부족하게 먹을 것을 대비해 지방을 미리 저장하기 때문이다.
when an unborn child who is in the mom's belly has not taken enough nutrition, she/he will has higher chance to become a fat baby after born. the unborn child who was in the mom's belly is influence by the environment of the uterus. because of shortage of nutrition, the unborn baby is already started to store fat (while in the womb).
source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin