Tuesday, November 1, 2011

[oh my god] filming photos uploaded by sbs plus at facebook

source: http://2hjforest.tistory.com
credit: http://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=177158202322490

[oh my god] 31.10.2011 episode 27, hwangbo cut

first part was about waking up won kijoon husband to work. at the end, husband still caught being late to office. second part was about husband's taemong (dreamt of  hwangbo wife's pregnancy). the husband is seriously excited.

and the third part was about husband's toilet behaviour and wife's laziness. ottoke, this is hillarious. haha . in this episode, all parts started with the couple sleeping on bed. lol. enjoy!

source: hiboong at youtube
credit: hiboong at youtube

[musical - your sensation] photos of hwangbo's performance

source: http://2hjforest.tistory.com/
credit: http://www.cyworld.com/choimiran

[endorsement] hwangbo and D.O.H.C

source: http://2hjforest.tistory.com
credit: http://www.idohc.com/

[endorsement] hwangbo and ASK

source: 2hjforest
credit: http://www.ask4.co.kr/

[compassion] 29.10.2011 photos taken with other attendee

source: 2hjforest
credit: http://blog.naver.com/nanchosarang, hscompassion at naver

[twitter update] 31.10.2011 the compassion family

컴패션이라는 가족 RT @Ssung916: 행복해요 RT @tamystory: 연말파티같아~!!
너무 너무 좋은 사람들과 함께^^
twitpic.com/78pex7 twitpic.com/78peva

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: tamystory at twitter

[twitter update] 30.10.2011 commerative photos of musical 'non sensation'

은경언냐랑 명동들렸다가 이대쪽 넘어가 공연<넌센세이션>관람하고 수녀님으로 변신한 예쁜 황보,송은이와 분장실에서 공연축하기념촬영^^

넌센세이션 보고나와써욤 ㅋㅋ너무 재미있는 뮤지컬~~안보신분들 꼬옥~~~
보기!!!송은이언니와황보의 맛깔스런 연기 기대하시라^0^

넘잼나요^^ 즐겁고 행복한 공연^^♥추천합니다 

source: hwangboholic twitter
credit: twitter ID mentioned above