thanks justin (chatbox) for the kindness! and anon for the help!
hwangbo said:
@Kennyji22 아하! 저도 지금 새벽보딩하고 사울가는길인데~ 우리 한번같이가여 브란젤리나부부^^
@Kennyji22 Ah! I'm now going to Seoul after snowboarding in the early morning~ Let's go together Branjelina couple (she was referring kennyji22 as brangelina couple) kennyji22 replied:
@Estella816 브란젤리나 푸하하~~ 주말밖에 못가지만 방은 잡아놓을테니 꼭 같이가자^^
@Estella816 brangelina puhaha ~~~can't do except on weekends, will try to go together
source: justin - chatbox, hwangbo's twitter, anon -comment box
credit: justin - chatbox, hwangbo's twitter, anon -comment box