hwangbo said:
예전에 집을나서다가 향수를 깨뜨렸었거든요그래서 바닦에있던 옷과 거실에는 유리가..윽!ㅠ 쓰레받기와 빗자루로 치웠죠 그랬더니 청소할때마다 좋은향기가 자꾸나는거예요 그땐 넘 짜증났는데 지금은 좋드라구여^^향기나는 청소도구생기면 좋겠네요
when i was leaving my house, i broke my perfume, so pieces of the glassess were on the living room and clothes which were on the floor.. heck! ㅠ cleaned with a broom and collected the waste. then, whenever cleaning, often smell good fragrance. at the time, i was frustrated but i like it ^^ i'd like to see the cleaning instrument with fragrance smell comes out
hwangbo twitted to kwonjak (sbs author):
@kwonjak 저는 어떤얘기를 하는 사람인가요?
@kwonjak What kind of person am I? or, what kinds of speaking am I?
kwonjak replied hwangbo:
@Estella816 당신은 세상의 아름다움에 대한 아이디어를 얘기하는 사람이지요. ㅋㅋ
@Estella816 You usually speak about ideas of the beauty of the world. ㅋㅋ
source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
[twitter update] 21.12.2010 hwangbo said, translation
written with love by
8:46 PM
hwangbo hye jung,

[fan accounts] warm gestures by 'into the world'
muhangirls twitted the above photo and said:
황보씨 팬클럽 "인투더월드"에서 무한걸스멤버들에게 예쁜 담요와 선물을 버내주셨어요~ 항상 응원해주시는 덕에 우리멤버들 몸도 마음도 든든할 것 같아요~멤버들에게 잘 전달해드릴게요^^
Hwangbossi fan club, "Into the World" in a beautiful blanket and Infinity Girls members beonaejusyeoteoyo ~ always cheer the city thanks to the gift of our members think mind and body deundeunhal ~ I'll be making myself clear to the members well ^^
translation by justin:
a fan club of hwangbo-shi "Into the World" sent beautiful blankets & presents to the Infinity Girls ~ our members are likely to get strong bodies & hearts because of always (your) support. will deliver to our members well ^^
'into the world' is one of hwangbo's fanclub in korea. link to their website was marked as 'hwangbo at daum' at the sidebar. to anybody who love hwangbo unconditionally, fighting!
please take note that the picture above was taken by muhangirls's team. however, i hope readers of this blog only re-posted at strictly hwangbo related site, forum, etc, to respect intention of the fan club and to avoid any unpleasant condition. i really appreciate your understanding.
please take note that the picture above was taken by muhangirls's team. however, i hope readers of this blog only re-posted at strictly hwangbo related site, forum, etc, to respect intention of the fan club and to avoid any unpleasant condition. i really appreciate your understanding.
source: muhangirls's twitter
credit: muhangirls's twitter, translation by justin
[twitter update] 20.12.2010 hwangbo said, translation
hwangbo twitted to the following people:
@ruri_ruda 난 집에있었는데
@ruri_ruda I was at home
@anankwangdayo 광수야 콘서트 멋지게 잘하고와. 한국오면 꼭 보좌~^^
Kwang Su ya. Please come back after (you) do well on a Concert. After you come back to Korea let's see~^^
source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin
@ruri_ruda 난 집에있었는데
@ruri_ruda I was at home
@anankwangdayo 광수야 콘서트 멋지게 잘하고와. 한국오면 꼭 보좌~^^
Kwang Su ya. Please come back after (you) do well on a Concert. After you come back to Korea let's see~^^
source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin
written with love by
6:33 AM
hwangbo hye jung,

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