Sunday, July 3, 2011

[cyworld update] 01.07.2011 hwangbo in philippines

in philipine
킴과 애슐리
남매의 눈빛은 강하게 느껴진다
비좁은 방에서 일곱식구가 살아가야한다....
너무나 사랑스럽던 아이들
kim and ashley
strongly feels like my brother and sister
seven of them live in a very cramp room
children, i really love you

in philipine
뜻밖에 팬들이 와주었다
근데 난 개밥주던옷이었는데 ㅠㅠ
대체 이들속에 연예인이 어딨더냐..ㅠ
fans came unexpectedly
thank you
but my clothing is inappropriate (like i was feeding my dog) ㅠㅠ
please replace (photoshop?) where's the celebrity is..ㅠ

in philipine
with adrien
첫만남 쑥쓰러운듯 고개를 들지않았다^^
컴패션 선생님이신데 엄마보다 더 잘챙기셨다

in philipine
신기해하는 아드리언^
amazing underwater world adrien^

in philipine
아드리언은 스파게티를 몇번이나 먹어봤을까 ..
엄마는 배부르다면서 음식을 남기셨다
그리고는 포장을 하신다
집에있는 가족들에게 가져다주는게 분명하다
아드리언의 가족은 모두 7명이다

아드리언의 가족 (adrien's family)
엄마가 가족사진을 가지고 오셨다
다들 이쁘고 잘생기고 착하게 생겼다
특히 둘째형 강동원 중학교졸업사진이랑 비슷하다 ㅋㅋ좋군화
어쨌든 이 가족에게 행복과 축복이 가득하길~

source: hwangbo's cyworld
credit: hwangbo's cyworld

[article] 30.06.2011 hwangbo meets her sponsored child from philippines

Recently, singer Hwangbo was given the opportunity to meet her sponsored child from the Philippines for the very first time.

On June 30th, the singer posted a picture on her Twitter and added, “This is Adrian, my sponsored child from the Philippines”. In the picture, Hwangbo can be seen sitting in front of a huge aquarium next to her happy-looking sponsored child.

Hwangbo expressed, “I met him for the first time. It was a bit awkward at first, but we got a lot closer. The $40 USD I sent every month is enough for him to attend school and eat”. She added, “He kept whispering into my ear, ‘Salamat po’ (Thank you)”.

Earlier on June 27th, Hwangbo had left a tweet saying, “I’m traveling to Manila, Philippines with the Compassion family to meet the sponsored kids”.

Netizens who saw the picture made comments such as, “You’re doing a good deed”, “The child is so cute”, and “Your facial expression is literally ‘a mother’s smile”.

source: allkpop, star news via nate
credit: allkpop

[twitter update] 03.07.2011 calling for compassion

컴패션밴드와 비젼트립 다녀왔어요.. 여러분 결연합시다.아이들에게 후원자들의 편지가 얼마나 큰 힘이 되는지 제 눈으로 다시 한번 똑똑히 보구 왔어요!!
Compassion Band Vision trip that we're going.. everybody lets united. support the children as it is a large force i saw with my own eyes. see it yourself carefully (hwangbo picture holding philippines kid)

source: shimty's twitter
credit: shimty's twitter

[twitter update] 30.06.2011 hwangbo and adrian

제가 후원하는 필리핀의 아드리언입니다 첨으로 만났어요 우린 첨엔 어색했지만 많이 친해졌어요. 제가 보내는 한달에 4만5천원때문에 학교도 다니구 밥도먹어요. 제 귀에 대고 '살라맛포'(감사합니다)자꾸 합니다 ^^
this is Adrian, my sponsored child from the Philippines. i met him for the first time. it was a bit awkward at first, but we got a lot closer. the $40 USD i sent every month is enough for him to attend school and eat. he kept whispering into my ear, ‘salamat po’ (thank you)

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by allkpop

[twitter update] 29.06.2011 from shimty with love

국제어린이 양육기구 한국컴패션과 함께 필리핀에 비젼트립 왔어요. 아이를 재우다가 본인도 조는?? 황보..^^
International Child Care Organizations in the Philippines, along with people from South Korea Compassion Vision trip. children, to you sleeping is everything? hwangbo..^^

source: shimty's cyworld
credit: shimty's cyworld

[twitter update] 29.06.2011 run angel run!

모닝런닝머신중 ~ 한국을 떠나면 꼭 리듬이 깨지기마련이져~눈꼽낀채로 호텔짐으로 기어왔다는... >.< 운동한지 곧 백일다채워갑니다.디스크가 있었는데 런닝만으로도 팔이나아진듯합니다. 역시 운동은 만병통치인가봅니다
in the morning, running on treadmill ~  since i left korea, my rhythm changed (jet lag?) ~ i am stuck (she can't sleep?) so i went to the hotel's gym >.< exercise like one hundred and one colorful days to come soon. the disk was running at 82 (the reading at the treadmill) and it seems better. this effort to exercise is a cure (to her jet lag?).

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: hwangbo's twitter

[radio] 21.06.2011 hwangbo at SBS Power FM 107.7, audio

hwangbo received snack boxes from her fan before/during the show. you can read and see the photos in my post here

credit: hwangboeveryday at youtube