Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[twitter update] 11.01.2011 hwangbo and friends

hwangbo revealed her size. kkkkk. and she kept on repeating the 'roora jjang'. based on her timeline, i saw many complimented her photos playing with the snow. really pretty. hwangbo fighting!

@ 겁나 이뿌다. 근데 다리 없는줄 알았어
@ really pretty. but i thought there were no legs
@ 눈에서 찍으면 잘나오는것같아 목동거리에서 함찍어
@ it's coming out well when taking with the snow. let's take photo at Mondong street
@ 너도 이제 32인가?ㅋ
@ are you now 32 years old? ke
* yesterday, hwangbo told another twitter friend, she is 32

@ 싸이즈34, 23, 36 나이는 32
@ (body) sizes 34, 23, & 36. (my) age is 32
* lol!

@ 올릴만했네 ㅋ
@ it were able to posts (expression of admiration) ke
@ 32살을 기념하며 ㅋ
@ it's to celebrate the 32 years old ke
@ 땡큐!!! 그래 얼굴좀보장^^
@ thank you!!! so, let's see your face (let's meet)^^

@ 축하합니다 가슴으로 낳니라고 고생하셨어요~
@ congratulation. you worked hard and bear through your heart ~
@ 글러브 잘 보셨네요...전 5관에서 봤는데...........
@ did you watch the "Glove" well... i watched on the 5th floor...........
@ 다른관에서 보셨구나. 저 못보신거죠?
@ (i) watched at the different floor. didn't you see me?
@ 작은 눈을 크게 뜨고 나름 찾았는데 못봤습니다....^^
@ i could not see you even though i opened my eyes widely because of small....^^
* this is funny ^^ he won't be able to find hwangbo because she is very small. lol.

@ 호... 요즘 왜 이렇게 이뻐지셨어요? 저희 교회에 오셔서 공연할때만 해도 이렇게까지는 아니였는데.. 무슨 좋은 일 있으신가보다!!! ^^
@  ho... recently why are you so pretty? it wasn't like this when you had a performance at my church.. looks like having some kinds of good news!!!^^
* lol. hwangbo is always pretty.

@ 생일이구나 추카추카한다 우리만나야지
@ it is (your) birthday, congra (추카) congratulation (추카한다) let's meet
@ 아라맘이야 나야
@ is Ahra a mind or me?
@ 이렇게 이쁘하시고..어딜 가시남???
@ after decorating (wear or make-up) beautifully like this..where are you going???

@ 개밥주러여 ㅋ
@ to give a dog food ke (it could be translated like this "to give a person food ke" if 개밥 has a space in between) 
@ 쿨하십니다... 앞으로도 자주 얼려주세욧^^
@ (you) looks cool...from now on often shows us the cool (figure)^^
@ 암니다
@ i know

@ 이쁘다~ ㅋ
@ beautiful~ ㅋ
@ 새삼스럽게
@  you knew, but why are you took it as a new thing (looks like self praise)
* lol!
@ 사진 이쁘게 잘나왔네.. 근데 너 한국 사람이였구나..;;
@  the pictures came out pretty the way you're Korean..;;
@ 러시아
@ rusia

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin

[twitter update] 11.01.2011 hwangbo enjoying the snows

내 얼굴 올리는거 오글거려 잘안하지만.. 눈이 펑펑 오니까 설레이니까 좋으니까 지금 막 찍은 따끈한 사진
i don't post my pictures often due to embarrassment.. i just took these warm photos which shows huge snowing, exciting and feeling good

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by justin 