Sunday, September 5, 2010

[a moment in time with hwangbo] 03.09.2010 photos at ratvithee home by missauditor

after an overwhelmed welcome i saw at the airport, we (liz, cath, tina - all are singaporean fans and myself) took cabs to the hotel and attended all the check-in procedures. at around 3.00 a.m i was drifted to hwangboland ^^

at around 8.30 a.m, mamypoko, yammy and sukinum greeted us at the hotel lobby for the next activity. we walked, took trains, got to cabs and walked again before finally arrived at ratvithee home. we were mingling around before hwangbo arrived and kick-off the activities.

at ratvithee home, she did some speech, ushered around ratvithee home, served foods i.e. rice, drinks, ice-creams, play with the kids and last but not least took photos. from my zero understanding of thai's language, i understood that she donated a keyboard to ratvithee home.

from my observation, she smiles a lot doing everything for the kids. she tease the kids, signed when she was asked for and energetically walked around doing all the serving. given the 5 hours flight ride (from korea to thailand) just a few hours before and a very hot weather in bangkok (compared to korea), she's really the best!

and that shimpty guy, sincha! he just walked around, acted cute and do the fanboy stuff i.e. taking video and pic of hwangbo and fans. kekeke. contrary, manager-nim was very serious. but i am glad he is the manager-nim. i think, he took care of hwangbo very well.


1 comment:

  1. The children & Hwang bo looked enjoyable time.
    She donated a Keyboard.
    Mucic makes people happy.
    It is worth doing.
    Thank you for sharing.
