step 1: print the photo allocated to you
step 2: cut the photo accordingly
step 3: paste the photo on a thick card or paper. easier, you paste the photo on a ready-made postcard
step 4: glue the photo properly to the thick card or paper or postcard
step 5: cut the assemble accordingly
step 6: because i chose to paste the photo on plain thick card, i paste the other side of the card with a pink paper. if you choose to paste on a ready-made postcard, you can skip this step.
step 7: cut the assemble again to proper size. and start to decorate.
step 8: decorate with your creativity and love. lol.
step 9: write your birthday message. don't mind english or korean.
step 10: write the address. better to write in hankuk. some postmen might not read roman very well.
step 11: don't forget to identify yourself and maybe where are you from.
next, take photo of each side of the postcard and sent to your representative. you don't have to send the postcard to the representative. please sent the postcard yourself to hwangbo. i hope the explanation above helps. thanks for reading!
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