Sunday, January 22, 2012

[twitter update] 20.01.2012 hwangbo peels the longest persimmon skin

감 길게깎기 기네스를 깼습니다!! 최고기록자가 174cm라네요 저의 기록은 226cm입니다 그러나 등록하려면 65만원이 드네요 ㅠ 저는 그냥 여러분들이 증인해줘요 ㅋ
i broke the record for peeling the longest persimmon skin! the world record is 174cm however, my record is 226cm. sadly, to have an official come and confirm this record, it costs 650,000 won. i’m happy with just my fans acknowledging this personal feat

source: hwangbo's twitter
credit: translation by simplyhwangbo


  1. wow that was daebak!! the difference is very large from 174cm to 226cm. how much 650,000 won in US$??

  2. We fans do acknowledge it right! I think it's about usd650?
